Thursday, October 30, 2008

Flex Performance issue and Profiling

I am hit with big performance issue in flex and started to analyze the code with Flex Profiling,
but that really didn't help me much. I found that the flash animation I am using in flex has glow effect designed in flash timeline, which is utilizing 100% CPU.

It's always better to use GlowFilter/Glow classes in code rather using time line based animations.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

QWERTY keyboard

Worked on a new flex on-screen virtual keyboard, qwerty one.

I found in only one site regarding the flex keyboard. The problem with that is, you have to register the text input everytime. But I created one that does not require any registration of text inputs.

If the focus is in text input, the keyboard detects.

Its as simple:

Flex certification

Just concentrating of Flex certification!!
Any suggestions??

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Flex ArrayCollection and addItemAt() problem

The other day I was banging my head, for adding an item to the ArrayCollection Object at zero th index.  The item simple adds to the end of the list, but I want to add it to the start of the arraycollection.

The case scenarion is like this:

 var col:ICollectionView = new ArrayCollection();      col.addItem("California");      col.addItem("Arizona");      var sort:Sort = new Sort();      // There is only one sort field, so use a null first parameter.      sort.fields = [new SortField(null, true)];      col.sort = sort;      col.refresh();
//now add an item at the 0 th index
//The above statment simply fails, it adds the item at last position
//The reason is you cannot use addItemAt() after applying a sort to the ArrayCollection. It simply
// adds to the end. Ignore either sorting or adding an item.